Post 41 History
Post 41 Programs
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Senior Citizens

We are currently creating content for this section. Stop by again soon and check what we've been up to !  Start watching your local newspaper for stories and pictures from us. 

WE NEED members to be part of the BINGO team.  If you've been an American Legion member for more than two years, and would like to be part of the new, exciting BINGO TEAM, being the hosts for the games, calling numbers, distributing cards, you know all the good stuff at bingo, send us an email telling us !  It will be a NO SMOKING Bingo hall, with a snack bar / kitchen area for food and drinks.   Let's get started !


Our sign is now up, and the flag is lighted at night.


We now have an actual mailbox on Sam Houston Blvd., next the Pizza Hut mailbox.  Our box has "1515" on the sides and front.  You can mail correspondence to the Post now.  Click our CONTACT button to the left, for the mailing address.


Dixon Auctions now do consignment auctions several times a month at our Post.  Watch the Dixon signs in front of the parking lot for info on the next auction.
